About Alana

Meet Alana

Nutritionist. Mum. Public Speaker.

Nutrition has always emanated from my essence.  I was a childhood foodie, sneaking ingredients from our farmhouse kitchen down to the bottom of the garden under the towering trees. My miniature food mixer whirred under the weight of baking ingredients blended with fruits and herbs foraged from the garden. The results were grimacing blends that resulted in stomach aches, and ended in the compost, but seeded my interest in food chemistry and natural health.

The farm showed me how to use nature as a recipe for healthy living, but it was my mother and grandmother who taught me the foundations of nutrition and the joy of growing your own produce.

nutritionist for tiredness, fatigue, behaviour, digestion, allergies, intolerances, poor sleep, low moods,

Teenage years were a challenging time, as a classic high-achieving teen, I fell into years of disordered eating and distorted body image. This coincided with my teenage sibling developing concerning behaviours that evolved into a severe mental illness, which scorched significant stresses on all my family members. These tough years left permanent scars which moulded the empathy and resilience I have today.

Only a few years later, I lost my beautiful Mum, and was forever changed, throwing me into a trajectory of significant changes towards a life of passion and meaning. It was the births of my three gorgeous children that was the final catalyst into a career change of nutrition and wellbeing. Each of my children suffered with digestive challenges, severe allergies, food and environmental intolerances, projectile vomiting, bed-wetting, behaviour challenges, eczema and sleeping issues. I was the Mum sitting client-side in specialist clinics with my unwell children asking questions and searching for solutions. I felt driven to repair and restore their gut health and prevent future health issues.

Alana Maxwell nutrition

After completing a Bachelors of Arts degree with Double Majors, Business and Japanese, I later followed with a Graduate Certificate in Nutrition, Certificate in Organic Horticulture, and Supervisor Food Safety Certificate. I am a member of the Complementary Medicine Association, Nutrition Society of Australia, and Accredited Practitioner for Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation.

I still love creating in the kitchen from the produce of my fruit and vege garden. Like you, I am a busy Mum, so I grow foods that thrive in my climate and my kids love to eat. Follow me on socials for inspiration to get started in your backyard. I make a huge batch of punchy pesto every week from our herbs, greens and lemons, I call it one of life’s elixirs as it contains some of the greatest sources of polyphenols for health and wellbeing.

The body wants to restore itself to health, given the right tools, and support. Research shows us that diet, lifestyle, gut and nutrient balance are key components to achieving health and wellbeing. I would love to inspire, educate and motivate you and your children to find your balance.

I am passionate about improving children’s health and empowering children to have positive lifelong relationships with foods that supports health and wellbeing.