Children’s gut &
mind health

Supporting children and youth to calmer behaviour,
healthy gut function, increased diverse diet,
better sleep and energy.


Alana is a Brisbane-based qualified nutritionist and mum of three.  Alana’s children all suffered severe allergies and intolerances, digestive issues, fussy eating, low energy, behaviour challenges, poor sleep patterns and eczema.  Alana searched out solutions for her children, and now enjoys empowering families to

As a parent, it’s heart-breaking watching a child or teen having difficulty with learning, digestion, behaviour, even getting out of bed. It affects motivation, self-esteem and confidence. You wish you had the keys to unlock these patterns. I’ve been this parent. Diet, lifestyle, gut and nutrient imbalances are key components to unlocking health and wellbeing for children, teenagers and parents.

Supporting children to develop positive food relationships that supports strong gut health and mental health.

My mission is to inspire, educate and motivate healthy holistic balance for healthy gut, body and behaviour. Improving digestion, moods, performance and confidence for children, teenagers and parents.

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